Dear Friend In the early days of human civilization, we lived in caves. Slowly, solid living structures came into existence where natural materials such as grass, mud, and bamboo were put to use. These three things were blessings from mother nature and “House” became a part of our lives. The houses thus made from grass, mud and bamboo were warm in winters and cool in summers. This is was a sustainable life during those years when we cared about nature as much nature cared for us. But civilization was going at full speed. Villages turned into towns and eventually into cities. People started to read and write and became thinking creatures from evolved apes. Rods, concrete, and cement came into the picture and over the years the height of our structures increased. To accommodate these buildings, forests were cut. Rivers were killed. And much more harm was done to nature. What happened then was the formation of sustainable life theory or better said, sustainable development theo...